Dhoka Kina is a song taken from the album Sait. This song is tragedy love song which has the voice of Sabina Bhattarai and the lyrics of this song was written by Anima Baidh. Govinda Madhur Acharya composed the music of this song. Surendra and Alina are the artist in this song who gave the meanings to this song which is being directed by Sirjan Baral. Before getting the love you feel like doing anything, trying to get the one you like. You don’t find the reason to meet try the best to give the happiness but after the marriage or after you get committed every thing gets worst. Here in this song the boy loved the girl a lot and tried a lot to get her. But once the girl gets committed at first he did good but later he treated her worst. He came drunk and hit her. He didn’t cared her like he used to do. He didn’t love her like he did before. This makes the girl shattered, she feels so bad that her world is taken away from her. This is so painful situation that anyone could face and she in this video is facing that is very touching and emotional. -
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