this is a news published in Image Tv. Today the show is focused on the 4 years old little boy called Aditya Dahal from Chabahil, Kathmandu. He is also known as Nepali Google Boy. Aditya is different than the normal child of his age.

He remembers the name and occupation of everyone he meets , meaning of every words asked to him and even the meaning of the words from different language. The boy health is getting bad day by day. His parents are currently looking for support for Aditya’s treatment. Aditya did not have a natural growth as a baby.
He was growing normally till he was three years old but a rare medical conditions paralysed him. His parents took him to Nuro Hospital in Kathmandu for treatment but nothing was diagnosed. During the course of his sickness Aditya started developing this extraordinary memory power.
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