The singer of the song Patali is Sachin Rai. The lyrics of the song have been written by Muskan Mohan Timilsina and the music composer of the song is Nirash Magar. The director of the music video of the song is Ashok Sunar and artists Arjun, Raj, Angel and Kimsan are starring in the music video of the song.
-Patali By Sachin Rai
The channel uploaded new songs of different genres, short video and movies. Videos uploaded on the channel get hundreds and thousands of views alone on YouTube. The channel is growing bigger every day and around 100 videos are uploaded on the channel every week. - A new song has been uploaded on the YouTube channel. The title of the song is Patali and it is a very modern pop song. The song is very fl!rty and te@$ing. In the song the singer along with his friends are teasing a girl whom they have just seen. The girl is very thin and she has a lot of attitude. So, the three men go in front of her sing, dance and tease her.
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